Information for Authors

The IJPE is a refereed Journal and all articles are sent to experts who evaluate each article on several dimensions such as originality of the work, scientific argument, format of the paper, references, citations etc. They also assess the article for its suitability for publication in the Journal. The IJPE seeks to publish empirical articles of Psychology having educational implications and education articles having psychological variables. Review based articles having theoretical and practical implications can also be considered. The authors should submit the manuscripts in English language, typed on A4 size paper in double space on only one side with wide margin. Manuscripts should be prepared according to publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition.

Major components of an article


It should be short and accurate. Abbreviations be avoided in the title. A short title 2/3 words for use as running title/running head of the paper be also provided


Name and institutional affiliations only should be given with the title. Address/es, qualifications etc may be given at the end of the paper.


May be given at the end of the paper.


Should be short not more than 200 words. It should be given on a separate sheet mentioning only essential facts.


A brief conceptual framework alongwith a brief review mentioning only relevant researches. Introduction as heading should not be given.


(not methodology) should cover design/techniques, sample, tools/measures.


Only relevant facts may be provided. Data may be given preferably in the form of tables or occasionally in figures/text. Do not include too many tables, these may be combined wherever possible. Use Arabic numerals for table and figure numbers.


It is an important part of the paper. No need to repeat the description of results and only explanation/interpretations are to be offered here. Findings may be discussed in the light of past researches.


References of all the studies cited in the test be given in this section as per APA style. Authors need to check the guidelines in APA publication manual latest edition

Manuscripts, Books and test reviews, and other editorial communications should be addressed to the Chief Editor, IJPE. Prof. RadheyShyam, Editor IJPE, Department of Psychology, M. D. University, Rohtak – 124001 (INDIA), e-mail:,,


Authors are required to obtain and ensure all necessary permissions to reproduce any copyrighted work, including, for example, test instruments and other test materials or portions thereof.