View | Sr. No. | Titles | |
| 1 | From Arabic to English Handwriting: Performance Levels, Cognitive and Behavioral Characteristics among Arabic-Native Students: An Assessment Based on College Students' Archival Scripts |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education
Artilces 2025
, Vol 15
, No. 1
, pp 1-8
A substantial body of literature suggests a significant relationship between handwriting characteristics and poor performance, though not all poor handwriting implies learning difficulties. This descriptive study scrutinized the archival scripts of 519 Arab college students whose language of instruction was English to find common characteristics among low-achieving students whose handwriting deviates from the English-Roman alphabet. Two protocols were utilized to further select participants who met all the criteria that encompassed: Protocol I: (1) The presence of non-English/Roman alphabet in text, (2) the raters’ difficulty in reading student’s essay, (3) low grades on multiple choice and essay questions. Twenty-three student scripts passed the criteria and were included, suggesting 4.43% of all scripts. A second inspection protocol was proposed to detect the included students’ scripts deeply and reveal further possible discrepancies. Protocol II: (1) The number of crossings-out (note quality), (2) cognitive or behavioral related difficulties, (3) unusual/nonstandard practice and or production (in the essay). Four scripts (.78%) were finally retained and included that met all criteria. Detailed descriptions of students’ handwriting differences are provided, and suggestions are made to help students before their higher education journeys.
Keywords: Arabic to English handwriting, Cognitive,archival scripts
*College of Humanities and Sciences, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Email:
| 2 | Languishing: Mental Health’s Neglected Middle Child |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education
Artilces 2025
, Vol 15
, No. 1
, pp 9-13
Authors: Harpriya Singh * and Shruti Shourie**
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought focus on languishing—a condition of poor mental health without clinical depression. This paper examines the concept of languishing, its definitions, theoretical models and possible repercussions if it lies unidentified. The Mental Health Continuum Model, which distinguishes between flourishing, languishing, moderate mental health is where the idea of languishing is located. Studies indicate that depression may precede a state of languishing, underscoring the significance of this. Additionally, studies have linked languishing to positivity ratios (the ratio of happy to negative emotions); a ratio less than 2.9 is associated with a higher risk of languishing. This research paper makes the case for a greater understanding of languishing, especially among young adults. Early detection can stop more serious mental health problems from developing. By knowing the factors that contribute to languishing, educators and mental health specialists may better target their treatments and assist young individuals take the first steps toward flourishing.
Keywords: Languishing, Mental Health, Flourishing, Depression
*Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Email:
** Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, DAV College. Sector 10. Chandigarh, Email:
| 3 | Persons with Progressive Disabilities: Issues and Interventions |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education
Artilces 2025
, Vol 15
, No. 1
, pp 14-24
Authors: Vaibhav Bhandari* and Nandini Nag**
Individuals with progressive disabilities encounter unique hurdles, both personally and within society, demanding a nuanced comprehension of their multifaceted challenges. This study delves into the legal framework surrounding these conditions, examining interventions aimed at enhancing the quality of life for those impacted. A pivotal aspect involves a survey of individuals with progressive disabilities and their caregivers, focusing on everyday obstacles, awareness of government aid programs, and the efficacy of these initiatives. The survey, gathering qualitative data and transforming it into quantitative percentages, unveils the extent of challenges faced and the effectiveness of existing policies. The findings provide valuable insights for policymakers, healthcare providers, and caregivers, guiding recommendations for policy improvements that better safeguard the rights of individuals with progressive disabilities and enhance access to support services. By emphasizing tailored interventions, this paper highlights the significance of addressing the evolving needs of affected individuals throughout the progression of their conditions. This research serves as a vital resource for stakeholders, proposing actionable steps towards creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for those living with progressive disabilities.
Keywords: Progressive Disabilities, rights and legal framework, medical interventions, psychological support, emerging trends and innovation, policies for progressive disabilities
*Clinical Psychologist and Legal Advisor, 67, Adarsh Nagar, Near Govt. School, Pali-Marwar 306401 Email:
**Physiotherapist, P.O. Shahpur, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, Pin Code: 176206 Email:
| 4 | Body Image Avoidance ,Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction among Young Adults |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education
Artilces 2025
, Vol 15
, No. 1
, pp 25-27
Authors: Fathima Hanna* and Nisha K.**
This research aims to discern the relationships between body image avoidance, self-esteem, and life satisfaction, aiming to uncover crucial factors contributing to body image avoidance and its adverse impacts, while also investigating the interconnectedness of self-esteem and life satisfaction. The study's participants encompassed 141 young adults aged 18 to 25 years. Data collection employed established instruments: the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al., 1985), and the Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (Rosen et al., 1991). The gathered data underwent a comprehensive statistical analysis, utilizing PSPP software, inclusive of frequency analysis, t-tests, and correlation assessments. The findings of the analysis unveiled significant relationships between life satisfaction and self-esteem, illustrating the profound impact of self-perception on overall life contentment. Moreover, the study identified a substantial association between body image avoidance and life satisfaction, shedding light on the intricate interplay between body image perceptions and overall life contentment. This research contributes valuable insights into the psychological dynamics of young adults, offering implications for interventions and support programs aimed at promoting positive body image and enhancing overall well-being in this demographic.
Keywords: Body image avoidance, Self-esteem, Life satisfaction and Youth
*MSc Psychology ,Department of Psychology, Farook College, Calicut, Kerala, Email:
**Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Farook College, Calicut, Kerala, Email:
| 5 | A Correlational Study of Organizational Climate and Counterproductive Work Behavior among Private Sector Employees |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education
Artilces 2025
, Vol 15
, No. 1
, pp 28-32
Authors: Shubhangi Moghe** and Shaili Misra**
The appellation ‘organizational climate’ classifies the basic ambiance or vibe in an organization that is majorly swayed by mutual attitudes, beliefs, and actions. It comprises the common ‘mood’ or ‘feel’ of the workspace and has a strong effect on employee’s perception and communication with their company. Destructive behavior that hurts people or organizations at work is known as counterproductive work behavior, or CWB. Employees participate in a variety of CWBs; some are aimed at the employer, while others are intended for particular individuals. Customers, patients, and members of the public are examples of outsiders as well as insiders in the organization (such as coworkers or subordinates).The standardized questionnaires have been utilized to gather primary data from sample of 120 among private sector employees. Data was acquired using the conducted using Organizational Climate Scale developed by Giles in 2010 and Counterproductive Work Behavior developed by Spector, P. E. in 2010. The statistical analysis involves the use of Pearson’s correlation as the applied method for data analysis.
The outcomes depicted there is a negative correlation between Organizational Climate and Counterproductive Work Behavior among private sector employees, negative correlation between the dimensions of Organizational Climate i.e. warmth, reward, standards, risk & conflict and counterproductive work behavior among private sector employees whereas positive correlation between the dimensions of Organizational Climate i.e. structure, support & commitment and counterproductive work behavior among private sector employees.
Keywords: Organizational Climate, Counterproductive Work Behavior, private sector employees.
*PhD Scholar (Psychology), Unitedworld school of Liberal Arts and Mass Communication Karnavati University, Gandhinagar, Gujtrat,
**Associate Professor (Psychology),nitedworld school of Liberal Arts and Mass Communication Karnavati University, Gandhinagar, Gujrat, Email:
| 6 | Exploring the Interplay of Age and Gender in Death Anxiety |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education
Artilces 2025
, Vol 15
, No. 1
, pp 33-35
Authors: Madhu Bala* and Neetu Chaudhary**
This empirical study investigates the effect of age and gender on death anxiety. Death anxiety, defined as the fear or discomfort associated with the thought of one’s mortality, has been widely studied in psychology, but the impact of demographic factors such as age and gender on death anxiety remains inconclusive. The current research aims to fill this gap by examining how these factors influence individuals' levels of death anxiety. A sample of 200 participants (100 men and 100 women) was selected, with ages ranging from 31to 65+ years. Participants completed the Death Anxiety Scale (DAS), which measures cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of death-related concerns. Statistical analyses, Two way ANOVA were performed to assess the effects of age and gender on death anxiety. Results indicate that death anxiety decreases with age, with adult participants (31-50 years) reporting significantly higher levels of anxiety compared to older participants (51-65+ years). This finding suggests that individuals become less fearful of death as they age, possibly due to increased acceptance of mortality or greater life experience. Additionally, gender differences were observed, with women reporting higher levels of death anxiety than men. This may be attributed to social, cultural, and psychological factors that influence women’s existential concerns more acutely than men’s. The study also found that the interaction between age and gender did not significantly alter the effects of these individual factors, suggesting that age and gender independently influence death anxiety levels.
Keywords: Death anxiety, age, gender, empirical study, psychological factors.
*Associate Professor (Department of Psychology), R.B.S. College, Agra (U.P).,
**Lecturer (Department of Psychology), G.G.I.C, Sahaswaan, Badaun (U.P)
| 7 | A Counterproductive Behaviours at Work: Can Psychological Capital Make a Difference? |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education
Artilces 2025
, Vol 15
, No. 1
, pp 36-42
Authors: Vishal Shyam*, Puneet Bhushan** and Anita Sharma***
The present study examined the predictive role of Psychological Capital (PsyCap) on Counterproductive Work Behaviours directed at individuals (CWB–I) and organisations (CWB–O). A purposive sample of 400 employees from the banking and insurance sectors in the Solan and Shimla districts of Himachal Pradesh, a state in the Union of India, was used in this study. The Data were collected using- the Psychological Capital Questionnaire–24 (PCQ–24; Luthans et al., 2007) and the Counterproductive Work Behaviour Checklist (CWB–C; Spector et al., 2006). Regression analysis indicated that, among females, Optimism accounted for a 14% reduction in CWB–I, while Optimism (11%), Resilience (2%), and Self-Efficacy (3%) together contributed to a 16% reduction in CWB–O. For males, Self-Efficacy reduced CWB–I by 4%, with Hope (17%) and Resilience (4%) collectively explaining a 21%variance of CWB–O. In the public sector, Optimism (11%), Self-Efficacy (16%), and Hope (7%) collectively explained 34% of the variance in CWB–I, while Hope (3%), Optimism (6%), and Resilience (2%) accounted for an 11% explained variance in CWB–O. In the private sector, Resilience (19%), Optimism (3%), and Self-Efficacy (5%) accounted fora 27% reduction in CWB–I, with Resilience (21%) and Self-Efficacy (4%) together contributing to a 25% reduction in CWB–Resilience and Self-efficacy have turned out to be common predictors for both genders and sectors.
Keywords: Psychological Capital (PsyCap), Counterproductive Work Behaviour (CWB), banking, insurance
*Senior Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, (HP)Email:
** Assistant Professor, Himachal Pradesh University Business School, Shimla, (HP) (Corresponding Author)
*** Professor, Department of Psychology, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla (HP),Email:
| 8 | A Correlational Study of Organizational Health and Job Motivation among Private Sector Employees |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education
Artilces 2025
, Vol 15
, No. 1
, pp 43-48
Authors: Shubhangi Moghe* and Shaili Misra**
Organizational health overall encompasses the complete well-being and productiveness of an organization. It includes several facets such as structure, culture, leadership, strategy, and processes that play a major role in an organization's successful stand in terms of performance efficiency. A healthy organization endures in its environment and grows in survival and coping capacity over time. Job motivation is a psychological term which explains the inner and surrounding forces that encourage people to start, continue, and invest efforts in finishing specific work-related chores. It comprises the elements that influence an individual's behavior and extent of work effort including the rewards, desires, needs, and wants. It’s essential for managers, employers, and organizations to recognize work motivation if they want to enhance the overall performance, productivity, and engagement of employees. The standardized questionnaires have been utilized to gather primary data from a sample of 110 private sector employees. Data was acquired using the Organizational Health Scale developed by Miles in 1965 and the Job Motivation Scale developed by Akhtar and Manju in 1992. The statistical analysis involves the use of Pearson’s correlation as the applied method for data analysis.
The outcomes depicted there is a significant positive relationship between Organizational Health and Job Motivation among private sector employees. All of the organizational health dimensions—communication adequacy, goal focus, resource utilization, optimal power equalization, morale, cohesiveness, autonomy, problem-solving adequacy, innovativeness,and adaptation—have a strong positive correlation with the aspects of job motivation—intrinsic and extrinsic motivation—among private sector workers.
Keywords: Organizational Health, Job Motivation, Private sector employees.
* PhD Scholar (Psychology),United world school of Liberal Arts and Mass Communication Karnavati University, Gandhinagar, Gujrat Email:
**Associate Professor (Psychology),United world school of Liberal Arts and Mass Communication, Karnavati University, Gandhinagar, Gujrat.
| 9 | A Comparative Study of Stress and Adjustment among Adolescence |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education
Artilces 2025
, Vol 15
, No. 1
, pp 49-51
Authors: Zaki Akhtar*, and Anila Tudu**
The present study attempts to understand the relationship between stress and adjustment levels of adolescents. The study's goals 1) To investigate and contrast how stress affects boys’ and girls’ adolescence.2) To investigate and contrast how boys’ and girls’ adolescence differ with adjustment.3) To ascertain how stress and adjustment are related. For the study, 100 teenagers between the ages of 14 and 17—50 boys and 50 girls —were selected at randomly. Teenagers’ levels of stress and adjustment were measured using the Student Stress Scale and the Hindi Adaptation of Bell’s Adjustment Inventory, which were created by Mohsin and Shamshad, respectively. The “t-value” and correlation were the statistical methods employed for the data analysis. The mean adjustment and stress scores of high school boys and girls did not differ significantly, according to the result.
Keywords: Stress, Adjustment, Adolescence, Boy, Girl
* Assistant Professor Department of Psychology, Karim City College, Jamshedpur
** Research Scholar, Kolhan University, Chaibasa, * Corresponding Author
| 10 | Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: Contemporary Intervention Techhnique in Treatment of Mental Illnesses: A Review |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education
Artilces 2025
, Vol 15
, No. 1
, pp 52-57
Authors: Preeti Sadhu Pendharkar* and Bhupinder Singh**
Mental Illnesses (MI) is characterized by disruption of cognitive functioning, emotional regulation, and behavioural pattern in an individual. These symptoms causes substantial distress and impairment in key areas of functioning. MI affects millions globally and it significantly impacts their quality of life, and many among those who seek treatment do not achieve remission with current treatments and standard interventions. Therefore, there is a critical need for novel and effective approaches to improve outcomes in the management of MI. A contemporary technique in the field of MI treatment is the application of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS). Recent research has indicated that tDCS can be a promising non-invasive brain stimulation technique in psychiatry, with applications in major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance use disorders and as a promising avenue for cognitive enhancement. We will discuss the current knowledge regarding the efficacy, safety, and potential mechanisms of action of tDCS in the treatment of MI which might help pave way for the development of personalized and targeted interventions to improve outcomes for individuals with MI.
Keywords: Transcranial direct current stimulation, Contemporary Technique, Neuromodulation, Mental Illnesses, Cognition, Review
*Ph.D. Scholar Department Of Psychology Barkatullah University Bhopal, (MP) Email :
**Professor and Head, Department Of Psychology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, (M.P.) Email:
| 11 | Role of Proxemics in Online and Offline Classroom Settings |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education
Artilces 2025
, Vol 15
, No. 1
, pp 58-62
Authors: Madhura Sarkar* and Sanmit Sarkar**
Proxemics is one important way in which nonverbal communication is studied. It refers to the physical space between communicators, the comfort experienced with the space and its effect on social interaction. In educational settings, proxemics has been affected by the changing modes of classes – online v/s offline. With online education, the distance between the learner and the teacher has expanded due to which new challenges have arisen in pedagogical engagement. The present research reviews the impact of changes in physical space in the classroom settings, and explores comfort and attention of undergraduate students in both online and offline settings. A self-created questionnaire and semi – structured interview have been used to explore the same. The researchers also explore pedagogies that will help to enhance the learning outcomes in changing classroom environments.
Keywords: proxemics, online learning, attention span, flipped classroom, transformative pedagogy
*Assistant Professor, Department of Liberal Arts, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune, Maharashtra, Email –
** Assistant Professor, Department of Liberal Arts,Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune, Maharashtra, Email –